prompt使用的一些提示:夜空五彩缤纷,星光灿烂,雷电交加。小船和玫瑰漂浮在河上,河水映照着蓝天。河两岸的树木。迈克尔·詹姆斯·史密斯(Michael James Smith)素描、反射、Cg渲染、体积光、空间艺术、生物发光、虚幻引擎5、Magicof light、渲染引擎、超广角、超广度、高清晰度8K HD
The night sky was colorful, starry, thunder andlightning. Boats and roses were floating on theriver, and the river reflected the blue sky. Trees onboth sides of the river. Michael James Smith mattepainting, reflection, Cg renderings, volume light,space art,Bioluminescence, Unreal Engine 5, Magicof Light, Rendering Engine, Ultra-Wide Angle,Ultra-WideAngle, High Definition 8K HD
发布时间: 2023-08-22 09:29